Vermont Educational Loan Repayment for Health Care Professionals

The Vermont Educational Loan Repayment Program for Health Care Professionals is funded by federal and state funds, and is administered by the UVM Larner College of Medicine Office of Primary Care and Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) Program.

The purpose of this loan repayment program is to respond to the workforce shortage of certain health professionals in Vermont, thereby increasing access to health care for underserved populations and communities. This program aims to contribute to a stabilized workforce at the specific work site (as identified in application materials) and timeframe.

Important note:  Program eligibility and selection criteria can change annually.  Please refer to the program overview and participant eligibility for this cycle’s information. More information about the educational loan repayment program and applications are available from the Vermont Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) program office.


Download the Educational Loan Repayment Flyer for Nurses HERE (Deadline is February 18, 2025)

APPLICATIONS CLOSED Educational Loan Repayment for Physicians, Nurse Practitioners & Physician Assistants.

APPLICATIONS CLOSED Educational Loan Repayment for Dentists

For more information about loan repayment for providers in the Northern Vermont region, please contact us.